the beauty of witnessing growth and decay is beauty that you do not get to partake in consistently often, but when you live in a studio apartment you notice even the smallest of changes.
Roughly a week and a half ago I was given a flower out of kindness from my local florist. What i did not know was that this flower was going to mimic my daily life. What i mean by this is,,,when I struggled she struggled, when I flourished she did as well, and finally when I hit a revelation. she chose to leave simultaneously.
the following collection captures the before and after of the petal falling of the flower, Agnes. I often find my art pieces fall into place more times than not and this one was not an exception. When this occurs the end result is usually in a mixed media format. this collection is composed of:
images that I took with the flower, Agnes, inspired by the stillness, grace, and sudden growth I identified within it.
a poem reflecting on the revelation that came upon me and gifted me an overwhelming feeling of motivation and diligence during the initial falling.
images I captured the night after I witnessed the petal falling.